Inspire, instruct, clarify, unify, coordinate.

Exceptional communication skills are fundamental for organizational success, for coordinating the team, for luring investors and for cultivating fruitful relationships with customers.

Our Commanding Group Communication workshop will allow your managers to articulate their ideas and vision with confidence, clarity and energy in any setting. These highly interactive and small group workshops include fundamental and practical notions of the psychology of communication, provide practice with real-life scenarios and provide techniques to boost confidence and curb anxiety.

Your managers will become empowered to command attention, engage their audience and leave a lasting positive impression.

Young man leads an office meeting

Exceptional Training

Our workshops are small and highly interactive.

Each participant will receive personalized attention while they master the skills that make a presentation effective, understand the role of verbal and non-verbal communication, and acquire a practical knowledge of the psychology of the audience to better attract their attention and persuade them.

Participants will also learn the same sophisticated psychological techniques to control the anxiety that high-performance athletes use.

After this workshop, your managers will:

  1. Conquer any fear of public speaking.
  2. Radiate confidence and poise in any venue.
  3. Compel others with their thoughts and vision.
  4. Develop strong and sustainable relationships.

Help your managers build their dream team:

A successful manager must be a great communicator: someone that can render a vision so fruitful, so exciting, so compelling, so clear and evident that capable and skilled people will do whatever it takes to be a part of it.



Commanding Group Communication.


8 weeknights (Mon-Thurs)


Hands-on immersion with theoretical background.

Number of Participants:

9 – 12.


In person


Midtown Manhattan.

Entry-Level Behaviors:

Students should feel comfortably proficient with written and spoken English.

General Objective:

At the end of the workshop, the students should be able to design and perform effective and efficient presentations using only their bodies and voice as a medium.

Specific Objectives:

  1. Understand elements in the psychology of audiences in public speaking.
  2. Apply concepts in the psychology of communication in the design of persuasive communication strategies.
  3. Develop abilities using the body as a principal communication tool.
  4. Identify and dismantle psychological barriers that interfere with expected performance.


Participants will be assessed by the progress in their performance based on a standard protocol.

Register today! Next unit: The Online Manager

Get started with a consultation today.

If you are having trouble promoting young employees to first-line and mid-level managers because they lack social skills then contact me now. I will train them to communicate clearly and persuasively and give them the skills to transform a group of people into well-organized teams.

Let's Work Together